Friday, September 23, 2005

Got down with my bad self

Today was the first day of classes: a complete day, actually, my first one in a while. Events included sociology class, weight training intro, signing up for yoga classes, buying tickets to see John Cleese, talking to Jason, seeing the aftermath of some sort of rocket or satellite or missile launch, having a badass dance party in our floor's lounge, and laughing til it hurt on the floor of Kirsten and Kristin's room. Again.
Tomorrow is jam-packed [as all fridays will be], complete with two classes and two sessions, a soccer game, a margarita mixer/dance party, and whatever else the day decides to throw at me.
Corpse Bride and clubbing [yes, clubbing] on Saturday.

I really do love college. Sometimes I wonder if it really is all downhill from here.

Whatever. I'm living in the moment and enjoying myself immensely.
But there are some people I will always miss.

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