Thursday, March 1, 2007


photo from

As an undercover photographer, JR transforms his pictures into posters and makes open space photo galleries out of our streets... Using a camera he found once in the subway, JR finds inspiration in informal encounters he makes following his travels and his intuitions.

His latest project: Face2Face.

After traveling through Israel and Palestine with friend Marco, the pair concluded that Israelis and Palestinians "look the same; they speak almost the same language, like twin brothers raised in different families."

So they decided to display this idea by taking portraits of Israelis and Palestinians doing the same activities, making the faces, etc., and blowing up these photographs to an incredible size.
This Sunday, March 4th, they will install these images on both sides of of the Israeli/Palestinian separation wall, with hopes that the photographs will encourage more understanding between the Israeli and Palestinian people.

thanks to Abbie for the tip


Matt said...

Shit, that's good.

Nicole said...

Wow, it's so funny and great that you would write about JR! I worked for this French travel magazine over the summer and one of my jobs was to get his permission to run some of his photos with a story about him (he was extremely nice about it). I love his work.
Also, in response to a drunken IM that you may not remember: I miss you greatly and wish I knew more about your life.