Sunday, December 17, 2006

Mmmm genius

This is an excerpt from a Rolling Stone interview with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

Colbert: I think the way you said it the other day on your show was "Bush is not dumb. He speaks to us like we're dumb.

Maureen Dowd: But just before he ran for president, he was still trying to figure out why North Korea and other hot spots were important.

Stewart: That's being uncurious about the world, and self-involved. But that has nothing to do with intelligence. It just would surprise you that someone who wants to lead the free world would not necessarily know what the free world consisted of. And had only been to Epcot Center. It was sort of like his trip to Baghdad. He went for four hours into the Green Zone and comes back and says Iraq is making great progress. It would be like if we went to the Olive Garden and started going, "I understand Italy."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is it only me, or has the daily show turned into a forum of abject bush-hating? by all means, make fun of the dumbass, but make the jokes funny. and space them out. take the piss out of other idiots for a change.

colbert is alright though. he's genuinely hilarious.