So Meghann visited. It was great to have her; I wish we could have spent some real time just the two of us, but I'll take what I can get.
The past three days have been filled with drama and it's irritating. People change so quickly. Or more accurately, people show their true colors too slowly [?]. I'm undecided, but I'm complain nontheless.
Midterms are next week and the week after, I'm stressed, I'm behind, I'll catch up, I know I can do it, I just am not sure that I will.
The most exciting and noteworthy event of late has been the purchase and arrival of my brand new, very own, digital camera. In honor of this great event, I need to advertise my new photo website and post some photos of tonight [I've only had a few hours to play with it].


a representative note to end on.
I'm not emo, I'm just cynical.
I should make bumper stickers.
I should make bumper stickers.
1 comment:
An awesome song wins a fun fact:
That song is sung by a different guy (the guitarist) than every other Blur song! Yaaay!
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