So I had a really ridiculous weekend; probably one of the most interesting weekends of my life.
Some highlights:
:: my "best friend" trying to "break up" with me
:: getting written up for drinking in the dorms [whoops]
:: watching Batman Begins in a movie theater
:: sending a friend to, then picking her up from, the hospital
:: going to Costco
:: all the LitMag drama
:: getting flowers for my half-birthday
:: being excessively bitter
:: documenting it all with my digital camera
So I
hugely kicked [yesterday's] sociology final's ASS, thankyouverymuch, and I expect to kick
very little ass on [todays] Greek Mythology final.
It's that time again, so here's the list of classes I'm considering taking next quarter [choose three]:
+ Intro to Cultural Anthropology
+ History of Jazz
+ Beginning Ballet
+ Beginning Ballroom Dancing
+ Principles of Micro [or Macro] Economics
+ Dinosaurs
+ Music Appreciation [or] World Music
+ Intro to Buddhism
+ Zen
+ The Teachings of Jesus
Feedback and/or opinion is greatly appreciated. I'm way into lists today. So into lists, in fact, I'm going to give you a list of photographs, per usual:
[WARNING: drunk photos ahead...possible ALL drunk photos ahead...]

party in Brett's room!!! [til the fucking RAs shut us down]

between the damn Natty Ice cans that got us fucked in the end

thanks, Nicole [she's on the far left] for having a birthday
so we could have a birthday PARTY

drunk roomie love is still valid roomie love

Good job, Ted.